Marvel movie Black Panther’s actor Chadwick Bosman has died. He had been suffering from cancer for 4 years and was 43 years old. In 2016, Sadwick was diagnosed with colon cancer. Then it reached stage 3. After that the treatment started. He had to undergo chemotherapy many times. But he was not away from acting. During this time he presented the famous film to Hollywood. Recently his cancer reached the fourth stage.
The actor died at his
residence in Los Angeles on Friday. His wife and other family members were by
his side at the time of his death. He has never said anything publicly about
his illness.
Chadwick played the famous
characters like Jackie Robinson and James Brown before he became well known in
Marvel. The role of Black Panther introduced him to the world overnight. He is
honored to have the opportunity to play the role of Emperor T. Chala. The film
also received an Oscar nomination.
Bosman's DNA testing showed that his
ancestors were from the Creo and Limba communities in Sierra Leone and the
Yoruba community in Nigeria
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