On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the sixth installment of Rs 17,100 crore to more than 8.55 crore farmers under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme.
The Centre provides Rs 6,000 per year in three equal installments
under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme that was launched
in December 2018.
"No middlemen, no commission. The amount was transferred
directly to farmers," Modi said. Modi also expressed his satisfaction because the
objective of the scheme was fulfilled. Through video conference PM Modi
launched the new Agriculture Infrastructure. The
money will be transferred only to the Aadhar verified bank accounts of the
You can dial a
toll-free number to register your complaint if you are a registered
beneficiary of the PM-KISAN scheme but haven't received Rs 2,000 in your bank
accounts as part of the sixth installment. You can call PM-KISAN
helpline number 155261 or toll-free number 1800115526. Besides, you can
also call the Ministry of Agriculture's landline number 011-23381092.
But before complaining, you should first check the
list of beneficiaries of PM-KISAN scheme by following the below steps.
1. First of all, log on to
PM Kisan portal - https://pmkisan.gov.in/
2. Now go to the option of
'Farmers Corner' given on the right side.
3. Now click on the
'Beneficiary List' option.
4. Select your state,
district, sub-district, block and name of the village.
5. After selecting all the
required options, click on 'Get Report'.
6. Now you will have a
complete list of the beneficiaries of your village.
7.This list is in
alphabetic order and you can easily find your name.
These funds will enable the farmers to have greater value for their produce as they will be able to store and sell at higher prices, increase processing and value addition.
if you have any doubts please let me know